Need a decal?
One of the best ways Aggies can have an impact on current students and keep the treasured traditions of Texas A&M alive is by giving back to the university.
While students at Texas A&M, you learned the importance of being active and involved with Texas A&M. It is important that this tradition remains strong after graduation as well. Remaining involved and active with the Aggie Network is vital to Texas A&M University.
That is why the Century Club was formed in 1965 to recognize and honor loyal Aggies who give at least $100 each year to The Association of Former Students. The Century Club revolutionized the way Aggies give back by asking for a substantial gift—$100 in 1965 was equivalent to about $750 today—and providing recognition in return via plaques, year bars, pins, and eventually car decals. The introduction of Silver, Gold, and Diamond levels in 1970 encouraged Aggies further, and gifts jumped from $268,000 in 1964 to nearly $1.7 million in 1973.
In the past 20 years alone, individual gifts via The Association have added up to more than $125 million for support of A&M. “The Century Club provides an avenue for Aggies from all walks of life to make a meaningful difference to our university,” says Association President and CEO Porter S. Garner III '79.
Gifts of any amount are appreciated!
As a Century Club member, you play a leading role in helping The Association provide millions of dollars to Texas A&M in the form of scholarships, student organizations, financial aid, Aggie traditions, and much, much more. After all, it's up to former students to ensure that the tradition of excellence at Texas A&M continues for years to come.
In fact, impacting Texas A&M and your fellow Aggies through The Association of Former Students is easy. Simply choose one of the Century Club gift levels and make your annual gift today.
- Faculty, staff, and recent graduates (within 36 months of graduation) receive a 50% discount on all gift levels.
NOTE: Donors will only receive one of the specified discounts shown above. Double discounts do not apply.
To learn more about The Association's Century Club, contact the Annual Giving department at or call (979) 845-7514.
The Association of Former Students
505 George Bush Dr.
College Station, TX 77840-2918
Phone: (979) 845-7514
Fax: (979) 845-9263