Heyward Carithers Hosch, Jr.
November 21, 1927 - August 19, 2024
Heyward Carithers Hosch, Jr., 96, of Gainesville, GA, died August 19, 2024, after a short illness.
A Gainesville native of several generations, Mr. Hosch lived nearly his entire life on Green Street or in Longstreet Hills. After graduation from Texas A&M University and decorated service in seven of the ten campaigns of the Korean War including Inchon and the Chosin Reservoir, he returned to Gainesville and married Marian Collier Martin, also a lifelong resident of Gainesville. They were married for 67 years.
He continued to serve in the U.S. Army Reserves for nearly 20 years, particularly enjoying his command of the infantry company centered in Gainesville. Among many other civic and charitable involvements, he was an active member of the Rotary Club, the Cherokee Gun Club, and the First United Methodist Church. After a long career in the fuel oil and banking businesses, he retired as Chairman of The Citizens Bank.
Besides a loving family, he leaves a cherished circle of friends old and new, a treasure of stories about Gainesville characters, and a heart full of gratitude.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Marian Collier Martin Hosch; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heyward Carithers Hosch, Sr.; his sisters, Dorothea Hosch Redwine and Eleanor Hosch Dunlap; and his daughter-in-law, Jeana Bradley Peeler Hosch. He is survived by his sons, Heyward Carithers Hosch, III of Birmingham, Alabama and Charles Martin Hosch (Beth) of Dallas, Texas; his granddaughters, Marian Bradley Hosch Anderson (Frank) of Birmingham, Alabama, Caroline Carithers Peeler Hosch Halbrook (Zachary) of Bethesda, Maryland, Julia Elizabeth Forbes Hosch Singh (Aditya) of Dallas, Texas, and Mary Catherine Chilton Hosch of Austin, Texas; and four great-grandchildren.
Contributions in lieu of flowers may be made to the Gainesville First United Methodist Church, 2780 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501; My Sister’s Place my-sisters-place.org (2480 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Suite 4 Gainesville, GA 30501; or the charity of your choice.
A memorial service is planned for 2:00 pm Sunday September 15, 2024 at Gainesville First United Methodist Church. A private interment will be in Alta Vista Cemetery.
Memorial Park Riverside Chapel 989 Riverside Drive Gainesville, GA is in charge of arrangements
For online condolences www.memorialparkfuneralhomes.com.