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Roll Call Tribute

Jack Spinks '59 February 28, 2025 3:05 PM updated: February 28, 2025 3:21 PM

Jack Maples Spinks 

June 11, 1936 - January 24, 2025 

Jack Maples Spinks was born June 11, 1936 at Butler Hospital in Crockett, Texas and passed away January 24th, 2025 in Conroe, TX. He was 88 years old. Memorial Services will be held at 11 am, February 15th, 2025 at First Presbyterian Church in Conroe, 2727 N Loop 336 West, Conroe, Texas 77304. 

Jack was the oldest of 3 children. His mother Opal Allyne Maples married Archie Davis Spinks and they had two children, Jack and Arlene Spinks Mulvehill. His mother later married Tom Gage and they had a daughter Karol Gage. Jack grew up with very modest means around Huntsville, Crockett and Houston, TX spending time between his mother and grandmothers. The summers he worked the family farm picking cotton along side the hired hands. As a youngster he picked up odd jobs here and there. Jack was quick to point out he had wonderful sponsors throughout his life that helped him to develop and grow. Early on was the grocery store owner, Woody Hensarling, that hired him to sweep the floors. As a special privilege, when the candy arrived to be placed on the shelves, Mr. Hensarling allowed him to pick the first piece to make sure he got his perk. Later was a woman, Hannah Niday, who owned the flower shop and asked Jack to clean the store. Knowing what a financial hardship it would be for Jack to buy a corsage for his date to the homecoming game, she made one for Jack personally.

When Jack went to Lamar High School in Houston, he was the football team captain and they won the state championship. One of his teammates was invited to Texas Tech for a tryout and his teammate's father invited Jack to come along. Texas Tech offered Jack a full ride football scholarship as well. That never would have happened without the sponsorship of his friend's father. During his time at Texas Tech he became a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity (Epsilon Phi chapter - 1955). An association of which he was proud throughout his life. Unfortunately Jack damaged his knee that first season and wasn't going to be seeing any playing time for the Red Raiders. He could have stayed on but decided to move back closer to home and attend Texas A&M University. A die hard Aggie to the end. During college is when Jack met Mary Lee Gilstrap from Claremore, OK who came down with some friends to Houston for a blind date to a college football game. Seven dates later, and they were married, August 23, 1958.

Jack earned an engineering degree from A&M and went into the energy pipeline business. His executive career took him from Houston, to Corpus Christi, to back to Houston, San Antonio with Valero Energy and then "retired" to Claremore, OK. Claremore was Mary Lee's hometown and she was 3rd generation in this Indian Territory (home to Will Rogers). Mary Lee's mother was in her waning years there in Claremore so they decided to put down new roots. Jack bought about 40 acres of land across from the local golf course and built an "empty nester" subdivision called the Meadows at Heritage Hills. Although a Texas boy, he became fully entrenched in Claremore serving positions on the Claremore Development Board, the Rotary, Rogers State University, Oklahoma Military Academy, First Christian Church and husband of a Claremore High School Zebra! In their final years, Jack and Mary Lee moved to a senior care facility in Conroe, TX near their oldest son David. Mary Lee continues to reside at the senior home in their memory care unit as her dementia progresses.

Jack is survived by his wife of 66 years, Mary Lee Gilstrap Spinks; son David Spinks (and his wife Anne Nevotti Spinks); their adult children Cody Spinks; Amanda Spinks Byers (husband Chris Byers) and their children Graham, Reagan and Layla; son Carlton Spinks (and his wife Shannon Fox Spinks) along with granddaughter Skylar Spinks. His sisters Arlene Spinks Mulvehill and Karol Gage Sawatka. Additionally there were many cousins (Spinks, Maples, Gilstraps), nephews, nieces and friends that he dearly loved.

Living 88 years, Jack has been touched, and touched a lot of lives. He was smart, generous and kind. He always participated because that's what's necessary in a community. He gave us the guidance to grow and the freedom to fail. There was never a day I didn't feel loved. -- Don't get me wrong. We got in trouble, lots of trouble; but always loved.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: The Association of Former Students In memory of Jack Spinks 505 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 Contribute Online:  Dad set up an endowment to help graduating Aggies afford their class ring - or - The Will Rogers Memorial Museum PO Box 2606 Claremore, OK 74018 Contribute Online:  Dad was on the board and enjoyed the promotion of Will Rogers and his approach to humanity. Or make a contribution to your charity of choice.


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