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Roll Call Tribute

Elizabeth "Liz" Ezell '79 March 22, 2025 1:01 PM updated: March 22, 2025 1:11 PM

Elizabeth Ann "Liz" (Harkrider) Ezell 

December 21, 1957 - February 17, 2025 

Elizabeth Ann Ezell (67) passed away Monday February 17,2025 after a five month battle with cancer. Liz, as she was known by friends and family, was raised in Brady, Texas and in 1979 she graduated from Texas A&M University. After marrying her husband, Larry, and having their two daughters, Larry’s job took the family around the globe, living most notably in Paris, France, Doha, Qatar, and Milan, Italy. Eventually Liz and Larry retired in Bryan, Texas.

In recent years Liz could be found serving around Bryan and College Station. She volunteered with the Bush Library, the food pantry, and with her church, A&M United Methodist. She was passionate about leaving a legacy of service. Her other chief interests were gardening and finding a good bargain. She also had the uncanny ability to draw conversation out of most anyone she met, which resulted in a life full of relationships and nearly empty of strangers.

Her friends and family are saddened by her passing, but comforted to know that she is no longer suffering, and, being absent from the body, she is now present with the Lord.

She is preceded in death by her husband Laurence (Larry) Ezell as well as both of her parents. She is survived by her daughters, Sarah and Rachel, sons-in-law Justin and Nate, granddaughter Anna Grace, as well as her brother Bubba and his wife Kenda.

In lieu of a memorial, donations can be made to A&M United Methodist Church.


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