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Gathright Scholar

The Thomas S. Gathright Scholar Award was established in April 1973 by The Association of Former Students in conjunction with Texas A&M's Student Government Association. The award was given annually at the Parents' Weekend All-University Awards Ceremony to the outstanding sophomore, junior, and senior of each academic college. Named in honor of the first president of the A&M College of Texas, this award recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement on a university-wide scale.

Since 2019, the Gathright Award merged into a collaboration between The Association of Former Students, LAUNCH: Academic Excellence, and the Texas A&M chapter of Phi Kappa Phi.

The Gathright Phi Kappa Phi Awards annually recognize a top freshman, sophomore and junior from each college. Freshman and sophomore  awards are made through the Dean's Excellence Award process and awarded at a fall ceremony. The junior award is made through the Outstanding Junior award process and is presented at an annual induction ceremony each spring. The awards are named the Gathright Phi Kappa Phi Dean's Excellence Award and the Gathright Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Junior Award, respectively.

Criteria and Selection Procedure

Selection for the Gathright Award at all levels is now based on an evaluation of research and/or creative production, community engagement, accomplishments/awards, and academic record, with the final selection criteria determined by the dean of each respective college. To view the application process visit this link: LAUNCH Dean's Excellence Award.

To learn more about the Gathright Award's namesake, visit these links:

TSHA Handbook article on Texas A&M
TSHA Handbook article on Gathright

If you have questions about the Gathright Scholar Award, or would like to learn more about the program, please contact the following members:

Regarding Application and Selection Process:

Texas A&M University LAUNCH 



Regarding Ceremony details

Campus Programs office





Portrait of President Thomas S. Gathright provided courtesy of Cushing Memorial Library and Archives, Texas A&M University

Previous Gathright Scholar Award Recipients




505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2025 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved