Please use this photo. This is a better image of the Muster Roll call & candle lighting.
Chili Cook-off prior to Muster ceremony
Members of the Traditions Council 2015-16 Exec Team (and loved ones) gathered virtually on April 21 for a Muster and roll call. Pictured (top left to bottom right) are Rachel Thompson '17, Mason Wuthrich '16, Holly Wuthrich '16, Cody Buczyna '16, Kevin Flavin '16, Jay Fitzgerald '18, Julia Poirier '17, Erin Posey '16 and Madeline Tansey '16.
Muster on the offshore drilling vessel Ocean BlackLion was held at sunset in Pascagoula, MS. Those attending are all in the photos, left to right: Clint Bailey '00 (Offshore Installation Manager-Captain), Thomas Nicely '08 (Dynamic Positioning Officer), Jeff Taylor '86 (Electronics Technician), Jon Schiappa '09 (Sr. Dynamic Positioning Officer), and Kevin Howell '08 (Chief Mate).
Fighting' Texas Aggie Band Class of '65 had visiting and a Traditional Muster ceremony online (zoom) with 40 attending on 4/21 at 2pm CDT. Attending were members of FTAB '65, family, and friends. The photo is 1 of 2 screens. (Donn German FTAB '65 Muster chairman, no speaker). Roll Call was of all our deceased members. We made the most of a bad situation. Even though we are isolated in our homes we gathered together for this sacred and time honored connection of the Aggie Spirit. Donn German '65
Aggie's First Muster -- Heidi Lynne Hale '42
Kimberly '34 & Rebecca '02 Henne host Loudoun County Virginia Muster via Zoom
Loudoun County Virginia Muster 2020 candles
Loudoun County Virginia Muster 2020 with candles
Loudoun County Virginia Muster 2020 via Zoom