Montgomery County Aggies awarded 30 scholarships totaling $64,000 for 2022 at Aggie Muster on April 21. Far left is Tommy Hunter, Club President and far right is Jay Hamel, Scholarship Chairman. Members of the Aggie class of '26 receiving scholarships included: Karlie Cheatwood, Aiden Collier, Zoe Barnhardt, Lauren Taylor, Kynndal Warner, McKenna Walter, Hassyn Carrico, Luke Henson, Danielle Collins, Joshua Lachney, Taylor Leeder, Claire Groner, Jenna Dempsey, Carson McAnelly, Kendall Cobb, Kailey Parker, Ana Claire Holleman, Carson Keys, Bryan Racus, Cole Arnold, Taylor Vance, Rayna Lewis, Joseph Matasso & Angela Pickert.
India A&M Club -- Group Photo
2021 Aggie Muster, for the international waters of the Gulf of Mexico, was held April 21st, onboard the Ocean BlackLion, a deepwater drillship operated by British Petroleum and owned by Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc (offices headquartered in Katy, TX). We were (and still are) located approximately 436 miles southeast of College Station, TX and 311 miles SE of Galveston, located at our well site in approximately 3500 feet of water (latitude 27-09.27 deg N, longitude 90-18.57 deg W). Those present for Roll Call were (top row, left to right): John King ’99 (Senior Dynamic Positioning Officer), Steven Klokker ’87 (Chief Engineer), Michelle Gorman ’94 (Offshore Installation Manager), Matt Richter ’12 (Dynamic Positioning Officer), and (bottom row, left-to-right) Clint Bailey ’00 (Offshore Installation Manager), Kenneth Johnson ’06 (Hydraulic Mechanic), Thomas Niceley ’08 (Dynamic Positioning Officer), and Jon Schiappa ’08 (Senior Dynamic Positioning Officer).
Muster Chairman Joe Camarata'78 presents the Bay Area A&M Speaker Award to Coach Bob Starkey
Shannon Watjus'01, John Hayworth, and Staci Griffin'06 greet the Muster attendees
TAMU Women's Assistant Coach Robert Starkey addresses the Bay Area A&M Muster
Bay Area A&M Club President Jordan Quillen'12 with photographer Honorary Aggie Jackie Welch
2021 Bay Area A&M Roll Call of the Absent
Everett Lyons '65 leads in singing The Spirit of Aggieland
Joe Camarata'78 receives the Past President Award from President Jordan Quillen'12 & Mike Cade'86
Bay Area A&M 2021 Roll Call of the Absent
Doug Watjus'95 recites The Corp Trip at the Bay Area A&M Club 2021 Muster
Bay Area A&M Club auction items with Joe Camarata'78 & Mike Cade '86
Charles Prendergast '70 winner of The Eddie Dansby'53 Spirit Award with Mrs. Pat Dansby, Mike Cade'86, & Joe Camarata'78
Yell Leader Glenn Langford '55 family at Bay Area A&M Muster
Porter Garner III and Muster Chair Reagan Freiling’93 at Aggie Park after San Antonio A&M Club’s Muster 2021
Porter Garner III speaking at Aggie Park to the San Antonio A&M Club Muster 2021
Chancellor John Sharp '72 entertaining admirers at the Coppell A&M Club Muster.
Chancellor John Sharp '72, featured speaker at the Coppell A&M Club Muster at "The Falls" in Wagon Wheel Park in Coppell.
Mark Smits '79, club president, addresses the Coppell A&M Club Muster.
Wes Mays '81 (Muster Chair), John Sharp '72, Mark Smits '79, and Don Carroll '93.
Coppell A&M Cllub Muster held at "The Falls" in Wagon Wheel Park in Coppell. Chancellor John Sharp '72 was the featured speaker.
Chancellor John Sharp '72 with admirers at the Coppell A&M Club Muster.
Wes Mays '81, Chancellor John Sharp '72, Gary Roden '83
Coppell A&M Club Muster (2021). Muster was held at "The Falls" in Wagon Wheel Park in Coppell. 158 guests attended.
Ennis A&M Club Muster Chair Mike Liska '82, Muster Speaker Shara McClure '90, & Ennis A&M Club President Richard Chapman"88
Capital City A&M Club 4
Capital City A&M Club 3
Capital City A&M Club 2
Capital City A&M Club 1
Taiwan Aggie Muster organizers: Evan Shu '11, Tim Chang '91, Dr. Lisa Yi-Hsuan Chen '07, Chong Hsu Liu '90, Joe Chao '88
Taiwan Aggie Muster - 27 Aggies joined from all over Taiwan and 3 Aggies from overseas.
Taiwan Aggie Muster - Guest Speaker Dr. Chao-Shing Lee '83, Texas A&M 2005 Outstanding International Alumnus
Taiwan Aggie Muster and Taiwan A&M Club Establishment. 30 Aggies joined the virtual gathering on April 17 with esteemed guest Dr. Marjorie Woo (pictured left)
Michigan Proud Aggies! Kensington Metro Park, Milford, Mi
Pot-Luck Lunch! 40 attendees to this year's Muster and Muster Lunch.
Leading the Fightin' Texas Aggie War Hymn James Barker '08
Getting the Brisket ready! James Barker '08 and Caston Thomas '81
The 2021 Gillespie County A&M Club Aggie Muster Ceremony was attended by more than 230 people. Former Coach and Interim Athletic Director, Mr. R.C. Slocum was our Muster speaker. We also awarded 13 Gillespie County freshman scholarships from our club. It was a wonderful event! I have attached a photos of our scholarship recipients. These scholarship recipients are the class of 2025.
DAMC Muster Chair Josh McKay ' credit Jordan McKay
DAMC Muster credit Jordan McKay
DAMC Muster credit Jordan McKay
DAMC Muster Chair Josh McKay '17, DAMC Muster Speaker Trevor Knight '17 and DAMC President Marytere Gingery ' credit Jordan McKay
Brazos County A&M Club Muster - Greg Miller ‘92, Laura Miller ‘16, John Miller ‘89, Debra Miller. Honoring LTC Thomas Miller ‘59 and Peggy Miller ‘68
Brazos County A&M Club - Lauren Young and Laura Miller ‘16 - two friends honoring our family members
The Kentuckiana A&M Club held its Muster ceremony April 17 at the home of Duane ’87 and Sarah Parker in Louisville, Kentucky. About 30 Aggies attended and enjoyed lunch and Blue Bell Ice Cream together. Doug Tribolet ’91 served as Muster chair.
Southeast Missouri Muster
Hampton Roads Aggie Club Muster, Norfolk, Virginia
Dallas A&M Club
Dallas A&M Club
Dallas A&M Club
Dallas A&M Club Muster at Gilley's Dallas, TX
Dallas A&M Club Speaker QB Trevor Knight '17
Dallas A&M Club Josh McKay '17 Muster Chair (Left) QB Trevor Knight '17 Speaker (Center) Marytere Gingery '10 President (Right)
Dallas A&M Club Muster at Gilley's Dallas, TX
Kerr County Muster 3
Kerr County Muster 2
Kerr County Muster 1
Trinity Terrace retirement community in Fort Worth, TX. This Muster probably had the oldest age in the country. Classes were 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 59, 62, and 64.
Club president Jody Harris '13 gives remarks. Photo credit: Stella Wieser, The Panola Watchman.
Matt Parker '14 and Will Harris '17 light candles during the Roll Call for the Absent Photo credit: Stella Wieser, The Panola Watchman.
Steve Williams '84, Laura Williams '10, Joni Lee, and Scott Lee '81 saw'em off during the Aggie War Hymn. Photo credit: Stella Wieser, The Panola Watchman.
Matt Parker '14, who serves as the club's Vice-President of High School Relations, awards Caroline Baldree '25 with the Tom Ben Williams '51 Memorial Scholarship. Photo credit: Stella Wieser, The Panola Watchman.
Shea Walker '86, a member of the 1986 SWC Champion Football team, was the Muster speaker at the Pikes Peak A&M Club in Colorado Springs, CO. Les Weison '60, a proud member of the Pikes Peak A&M Club, served as his host while in town. After cancelling last year we were able to hold one this year with 125 people at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame.
Gillespie County Muster
Gillespie County Muster
Gillespie County Muster
Gillespie County Muster
Southwest Florida A&M Club - James '79 & Cindy Walker, Ted & Kathleen Fitzgeorge (Aggies by association)
Southwest Florida A&M Club - Willie Mayr '59
Southwest Florida A&M Club - Ron Boyd '78, Silvia Holguin Hasak '79
Southwest Florida A&M Club Aggie Muster 2021
smoked brisket, smoked pork ribs, texas hot gut and potato salad.
Christian Boza Class of '09 (President of Shanghai A&M Maroon Club), Lubo Zhou '95, Betsy Fan '95, Haonan Wang '16, Yan Tong '16, Greg Allan '98, Jill Allen, Damian Medina '02, Tianle Zhang '99, Bin Lin, Jianhao Zhou '11, Andy Jing, Yuquan Zhang '11, Weldon Zhai '98, Field Deng '11, Huan Shan '05
2021 West Michigan A&M Club Muster
Black Hills A&M Club Muster 2021 without masks! Muster was held in Rapid City, South Dakota. Aggies in attendance: Bruce Curington, Class of '64; Vidal Davila, Class of '74, Rich Olsen, Class of '79, Mary Helen Olsen, Class of 79, Marie Quinn, Class of '80, Dr. Joan Wink, Class of '91, Kenton Brannan, Class of '97, Michelle Brannan, Class of '98, Brian Dickerson, Class of '09 and Tim Sweeney, former staff at TAMU. With guests we had 16 present for Muster!
The Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) Aggie group met at Carolina Ale House in Augusta, Ga. on April 21, 2021. Ten Aggies and four guests attended, and a good time was had by all. Ags attending were Al Freitag '71, Bill Bambrick '73, Martin Click '77, Jim Stafford '78, Theresa Thompson '88, Kate Boggan '17, Katie Foley '17, Jackson Meuret '19. Baltazar Lozano, Jr. '19 and Bryan Foley '20. Kate Boggan and Baltazar Lozano are holding the "short horns" that were sawed off in the 2018 CSRA Muster, and that "sawed off" photo appeared on page 59 of the July 2018 "Texas Aggie" magazine.
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Aggie Muster
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Aggie Muster
Greater Waco A&M Holds Virtual Muster
Fayette County Muster - over 200 in attendance.
Fayette County Muster - over 200 in attendance.
Fayette County Officers and Muster Committee
Muster in Temple -- 147 attended; photos via Paul Pausky and Stepahnie Fondy
Muster 2021 in Temple at Oscar Store; photos via Paul Pausky and Stepahnie Fondy
Temple Muster - Chirs Diem spoke; photos via Paul Pausky and Stepahnie Fondy
Charleston A&M Club
75 strong at the Houston County Muster in Grapeland, Texas. Speaker was Dave South.
Muster in Goldthwaite
L-R. Muster Chair Jett Johnson ‘1983, Taylor Rountree ‘2025, Emma Grebe ‘2025, Muster Speaker Layton Black ‘1963, Jett Jay Johnson ‘2025, Brecken Reyes ‘2025.
Utah A&M Club Muster
Utah A&M Club Muster
Utah A&M Club Muster
Utah A&M Club Muster
Little Apple Aggies, Manhattan, KS
Dr. Jerry and Kim Followwill '79 presenting the Thomas Followwill Memorial Scholarship
Gig em
Incoming Aggies - Class of 2025
Victoria County Scholarship recipients
Ryan Swope Class of 2013 was the Hill County A&M Club speaker.
The candles lit at the 2021 Hill County A&M Club Muster.
Brian Ehni '74 reads the Last Corp Trip after the roll has been called.
Ryan Noormohamed '13 and Jose Arredondo '11 pass the flame during the roll call.
Ben Clark '01 leads the group with the War Hymn on banjo.
Guest Speaker Ben Clark '01 tells his story of how an Aggie professor helped him find his life path.
2021 East Tennessee A&M Club Muster - Knoxville, TN
18 college scholarships awards by Austin County A&M Club in 2021, $20,000 total awarded Pictured: Kaitlyn Atkinson, Garrett Babylon, Danielle Bersche, Brylie Bond, Jared Demny, Allyson Dickens, Cameron Eschenburg, Emma Grace Fogle, Jacob Gajewski, Cameron Hein, Meghan Hein, Kaylea Killen, Garrett Melnar, Lee Michalik, Paige Moyle, Jackson Osborne, Hunter Schumann, and Dylan Thaxton.
Williamson County A&M Club - Panoramic Shot
Williamson County A&M Club - Ross Bjork Ags Win
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Scholarship Recipients Ags Win
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Guests
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Candle Ceremony Crowd
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Scholarship Recipients
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Candle Ceremony
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021 - Muster Speaker Ross Bjork
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021
Williamson County A&M Club Muster 2021
Eddie Dominguez, owner of Tupinamba and Aggie, talking with Merlin Smith speaker for the evening.
Jennifer Bell ‘73 with the cracked football helmet belonging to Van Odum. It’s going home to the owner.
Class of ‘73 Table
Class of ‘73 Muster at Tupinamba Restaurant, Dallas, Texas
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Muster Club Zoom Photo
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Muster - Roll Call
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Muster - Muster Tradition
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Muster - War Hymn
Chairing the virtual Muster for the Texas A&M Club of Maryland
Chairing the virtual Muster for the Texas A&M Club of Maryland
Future Aggies supervising the Muster Chair
Texas A&M Club of Maryland Virtual Zoom Muster
Lawton-Fort Sill Aggies mustered in the home of Gene McAnelly '78. Six Aggies ranging from '59 to '78 enjoyed a casual BBQ meal and fellowship. L-R Mike George '63, John Evans '59, Bob Baggott '69, Terry Baggott '69, Tom Condry '70, Gene McAnelly '78
Softly Call The Muster
MAJ Keith Spaniel ‘93&’98 with 1LT Allie Rios ‘19 at Bagram Air Base, AFG.