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El Paso A&M Club

Saturday, April 21, 2012, 6:00 PM

The El Paso Club
Chase Tower, 18th Floor, 201 E. Main St.
201 E. Main
El Paso, TX 79901


Contact Information
Ms. Kristen Cox

Please register using this link and you will receive an invoice from PayPal.  You may also pay at the door.

Annual dues (new year begins 4/21) are $25 per person or $40 per couple.

Cost is $50 for members and guests, $60 for non-members, and $35 for children or current students.  Proceeds benefit the El Paso A&M Club Permanent Endowed Scholarship.

The El Paso A&M Club is pleased to announce this year’s Muster speaker, James Olson, J.D.

Assigned in 1997 by the CIA to the George Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M as an officer-in-residence, Mr. Olson is now a permanent faculty member, teaching courses on Cold War Intelligence, U .S. National Security, and International Crisis Management.  He is a frequent guest lecturer for other courses, conferences and symposia.  He previously served as senior faculty member at the Joint Military Intelligence College, Washington, DC, where he taught courses on counterintelligence and military intelligence.

James Olson and his wife spent the majority of their careers as spies for the CIA, serving mostly overseas in clandestine operations.  Overseas assignments included the U.S.S.R., Austria, and Mexico.  He served as Chief of Counterintelligence at CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA.

Author of Fair Play: The Moral Dilemmas of Spying (Potomac Books, September 2006), he brings to light situations and difficult dilemmas that field officers face on an almost daily basis, with little guidance on what is permissible in such situations.  His book probes such controversial practices as assassination, torture, rendition, seduction, and interfering in the politics of foreign governments.

James Olson received his B.A. in mathematics and economics and his J.D. in international law from the University of Iowa, and is a member of the Iowa Bar.  He attained the rank of Lieutenant Commander, U. S. Naval Reserve.  He currently lives with his wife in College Station.  His interests include church, tennis, bicycling, baseball (avid fan), foreign languages, history and literature.


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