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Shanghai A&M Club

Friday, April 22, 2016, 6:30 PM*

Bubba's Hongqiao
2262 Hongqiao Road
(near Jianhe Lu)
Shanghai 201103

150 RMB/ per person

Contact Information
Crecia Gulledge Magee '08

Howdy Ags!

Can't believe it's already that time of year again!  Here are the details for our annual Aggie Muster event:

DATE:  Friday, April 22nd

TIME:  6:30pm registration/networking followed by Muster ceremony, officer elections, dinner

LOCATION:  Bubba's Hongqiao, 2262 Hongqiao Road (near Jianhe Lu), Shanghai, 201103
???2262?, ????

FOOD:  We will have a buffet for 150 RMB all you can eat.  This will include soft drinks and tea (excluding juices).  Cash bar on all other drinks.

Here's what's on the menu:
·         Smoked Chicken Drummies
·         Mini Pulled Pork Sandwiches
·         Chopped Beef Sandwiches
·         Coleslaw
·         Potato Salad
·         House Salad

Please RSVP with headcount (via email) as soon as possible, so I can provide a firm number to confirm food quantity.  And of course, non-Aggies wanting to experience tradition are welcome as well!

Thanks and Gig ‘em!!!
-Crecia Magee

* date/time is tentative

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