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The Association is experiencing issues with incoming and outgoing calls. We are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience!

Goliad County A&M Club - postponed

Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 6:00 PM

St. Andrews Lutheran Church
1286 Church Rd
Weesatche, TX 77993

no cost

Contact Information
Erika Herrera Bochat '10

"Howdy Ags
As you know we are facing an uncertain in our lives and country. With that in mind, we will be canceling our Annual Goliad County Aggie Muster scheduled for April 21st. We always enjoy this time of fellowship and the opportunity to honor Aggies, who have passed.  Aggie Muster is also a time to honor our next generation of Aggies. We have five Goliad students who have been accepted to Texas A&M University. They are Holland Bluhm, Wesley Bohl, Hannah Boyd, Mae Cosper, and Justin Swize. I have reached out to our school counselor to see if there are any others but without school in session, she may not be able to find out. I am appealing to each one of our former students to help with our scholarship fund. We have a membership fee of $50 to the Goliad A&M Club and just ask for freewill donations to the scholarship fund. Our goal is to provide each student with a $400-$500 scholarship. Our treasurer, Trey Wimberly will take your membership and donations.
Checks can be made to the Goliad A&M Club.

Mail to
Trey Wimberly
Goliad National Bank
PO BOX 1337
Goliad, TX 77963


Sharon Swize ‘87






The Goliad County A&M Club invites you to join us for Aggie Muster

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

St. Andrews Lutheran Church - 1286 Church Road - Weesatche, TX  77993

Social 6 PM - Meal 6:30 PM - Program/Ceremony/Annual Business Meeting - 7 PM

Covered Dish

For more information, please contact Erika Herrera Bochat '10 at or 361-218-0743

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505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

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(979) 845-7514

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