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The Association is experiencing issues with incoming and outgoing calls. We are working to resolve the issue. Thank you for your patience!

Hunt County A&M Club

Tuesday, April 21, 2020*

Greenville, TX 75402


Contact Information
Chris Barnard '02

Due to the “Shelter in Place order” currently in force for Hunt County, we regret to inform you that our 2020 Muster scheduled for April 21, 2020 in Greenville, Texas is officially cancelled.  Hopefully, when things return to normal, we will be able to hold this year’s Muster at a later date.  We encourage each of you, on the evening of April 21, to gather by phone, facetime, Facebook or whatever social media you utilize with fellow Aggie Former Students and remember those friends and classmates that we have lost since our last Muster.            
                                                                 Gig’em and May the Lord Bless and Keep us All!

                                                                 Chris Barnard ‘02



* date/time is tentative

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505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2024 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved