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The Villages Texas A&M Club

Monday, April 21, 2025, 4:00 PM

Orange Blossom Hills CountryClub
1542 Water Tower Circle
The Villages, FL 32159

Contact Information
Dr. Mike Caudle '69 & '07

The Villages Texas A&M Club holds an annual Muster event each year on April 21st, Texas Independence Day, traditionally.  As we are a relatively small club, our ceremony is simple, yet holds to the traditions of Texas A&M over the decades.  We gather, reacquaint ourselves with members and visitors.  (If you live in or visit Central Florida during this time, please join us.)  We have access to a pay-as-you-go bar.  Then we begin the formal ceremony.  Once the ceremony is finished, we traditionally stay and have dinner while we fellowship.  Again this year, we are holding our event at the Orange Blossom Hills Country Club.  As they do not charge us for use of the banquet room, we encourage you to stay and have dinner as a means of thanks back to them.  Arrangements like this are hard to find.

Plan on joining us beginning at 4:00 p.m.  Aggie Muster is one tradition that is unique to Texas A&M University and it is the most important one that we cherish.  More information will be forthcoming.  For now, please put this on your calendar.


Gig 'em!

Mike Caudle '69 & '07

2025 Muster Chair, The Villages Texas A&M Club

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College Station, TX 77840

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(979) 845-7514

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