Roll Call Tribute
Tyre Jennings III '54
December 8, 2010 1:44 PM
Published in Houston Chronicle on December 8, 2010
Tyre Lee Jennings III
Tyre Lee Jennings III, 88 passed away Saturday, December 4, 2010. Ty was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Tyre Lee Jennings Jr. and Ellie Louise Martin Jennings on November 3, 1922.
Preceded in death by his loving wife, Madylene, both of his parents and grandson, Matthew Jennings. Ty leaves behind to cherish his memory, sister Daryl Terry and husband Pat, daughter and son-in-law Linda and Mickey Holder, son Durhmon Jennings and daughter
and son-in-law Kay and David Montgomery. Loved by his grandchildren Donna Holder and Todd Ford and their son Keller, Laura Hodde and her husband Henry and their sons Andrew and Ryan, Denise Holder and her daughter Madylene, Sarah Montgomery and niece Nancy
Haupt and other relatives and numerous friends.
Ty joined the Navy in 1940 where he served bravely in World War II as a Boatswain's Mate Second Class aboard the USS Crescent City (APA 21) where he participated in the initial amphibious landing in Guadalcanal in August 1942, was awarded a Purple Heart, and
served on the USS Tulagi (CVE 72) until his discharge in December 1944. Following the war Ty graduated from Texas A&M in January 1954.
During his career Ty worked for several national firms retiring in 1986 after 22 years as senior salesman for Pitney Bowes.
Visitation will be held Thursday, December 8th at 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at SouthPark Funeral Home in Pearland. Service will be conducted Friday, December 10th at 10 a.m. at the SouthPark Funeral Home with interment to follow at SouthPark Cemetery.