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Schedule of events on Muster Live website

Susan "Sue" Owen '94 April 20, 2020 12:34 PM updated: April 21, 2020 8:35 PM

For the first time, over a dozen Aggie Muster events will stream on a single website,, this April 21.

Throughout the day, you can watch the Worldwide Roll Call, campus Muster and more than 10 local Musters all at the same site. (Schedule below)

Speakers include Dr. R. Bowen Loftin ’71 (Brazos County A&M Club Muster); Michael E. Fossum ’80, VP and COO of Texas A&M University at Galveston (Galveston County Muster); U.S. Rep. Will Hurd ’99 (National Capital A&M Club Muster); the dean of A&M’s law school, Robert B. Ahdieh (Fort Worth A&M Club Muster); and A&M athletics director Ross Bjork (Williamson County A&M Club Muster.)

Any event can be replayed/rewound anytime after its start, so visitors can view all events, even though some begin simultaneously. 


6:51 a.m. CDT — Worldwide Roll Call begins; expected to last nearly 3 hours. More than 1,500 names will be called, with earliest Class years first, and alphabetically within each Class year. Some names that were reported very close to the April 12 deadline will appear at the end of the Roll.
10 a.m. CDT — National Capital A&M Club Muster (DC Aggies)
11 a.m. CDT — Delaware Valley A&M Club Muster (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware)
11:30 a.m. CDT — Chicagoland Texas A&M Club Muster
Noon CDT — Williamson County A&M Club Muster
3:30 p.m. CDT — Loudoun County (Va.) Muster
4:30 p.m. CDT — Bosque County A&M Club Muster
5 p.m. CDT — Fort Worth A&M Club Muster
6 p.m. CDT — San Antonio A&M Club Muster, Galveston County A&M Club Muster at Texas A&M University at Galveston, Brazos County A&M Club Muster
6:30 p.m. CDT — Rockwall County A&M Club Muster
7 p.m. CDT — Texas A&M Campus Muster, Denton County A&M Club Muster
8:30 p.m. CDT — Hidalgo-Starr Counties A&M Club Muster

Each Muster calls its own roll of primarily local names. This is also true of the student-run campus Muster, whose 2020 roll is viewable at

In the wake of COVID-19, volunteer organizers of more than 200 Musters on campus and worldwide had to quickly make difficult decisions on how to best serve their communities. Muster is a time not only for remembering those we have lost, but traditionally for gathering in camaraderie, to tell Aggie stories and reconnect.

The video Muster presentations that will stream on Muster Live each uniquely represent their own communities.

A map on the Muster Live website will highlight some 30 to 40 virtual Musters worldwide, from London to Panama, California to Virginia and across Texas.

The map will also link to a total of more than 100 Musters whose plans were altered or postponed, to let Aggies check on these updates.

On the Muster Live site, visitors can post “Here” for a fallen Aggie, upload photos and memories, and see where others are participating.

The site will stay up after Muster 2020 concludes, remaining at

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