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The Association


The Association of Former Students traces its origin to the Ex-Cadets Association formed in 1879 and later to the A&M Alumni Association and Alpha Phi Fraternity. In 1919, a coalition was formed and adopted the name "The Association of Former Students." Since 1879, much has changed in organization and details, but the fundamental objectives of The Association remain the same.

At the Clayton W. Williams, Jr. Alumni Center

The founding charter of 1925 stated that The Association of Former Students is formed for "the support of benevolent, charitable and educational undertakings by extending financial and other aid to students of Texas A&M University; by promoting social, literary and scientific pursuits; by perpetuating and strengthening the ties of affection and esteem formed in university or college days; by promoting the interests and welfare of Texas A&M University and education generally in the State of Texas."

Our Vision

Our vision is simple, yet bold: "The Association of Former Students will be the premier alumni organization.”

Our Mission

  • Strengthen The Association of Former Students
  • Promote the interests and welfare of Texas A&M University
  • Perpetuate ties of affection and esteem formed in university or college days
  • Serve the student body.

To learn more about The Association's history, the work we do, and our staff, please visit

Through generous gifts to The Association, we are able to be HERE for Aggies during their days as students and former students, THERE for Aggies as they make their way around the world and EVERYWHERE that the Aggie Network needs us to be. Visit to make a gift.



505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

© 2024 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University, All Rights Reserved