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Muster Ceremony Closings

Traditional Ceremony Closing

Muster chair motions everyone to stand and then recites slowly (should be memorized):

"The (year) Texas A&M Muster at (place) is now complete. I charge you each to remain firm in your loyalty to your country and your God...To keep warm in your hearts your affection for each other and for our Alma Mater. The Muster is dismissed until April 21 (year) , and may God be with us all until we meet again."

Alternate Ceremony Closing

Muster chair motions everyone to stand and then recites slowly (should be memorized):

"The (year) Texas A&M Muster at (place) is now complete. I charge you each to remain firm in your loyalty to humanity and to your country. Keep warm in your hearts your affection for each other and for your Alma Mater. The Muster is dismissed until April 21 (year) , and may good fortune smile upon us until we meet again."

505 George Bush Drive
College Station, TX 77840

Phone Number

(979) 845-7514

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